About Civil Celebrant Brisbane
My Story
In 2007 I was asked to find a Celebrant in the Whitsundays for a family wedding. When learning of the role of a Celebrant, I was inspired and very excited. I’d found the job for me!
Choosing this career combines everything I love, cherish and enjoy in life; meeting and helping people, celebrations, special events, creating memories and having fun. And yet being a Celebrant is even more rewarding than I imagined.
Regularly I have a reality check… ‘Wow.. I marry people!’ I am a part of milestone moments and lifetime memories in the making.
I love first meeting a couple as strangers and by their wedding feeling like we’ve known each other for years. I love feeling of contentment when sending my Newly-Wed’s on their ‘married way’. As they walk into their shower congratulations, often giggling to myself ‘my work here is done!’.
Being a Celebrant has been quite the journey. I’ve had the privilege of marrying lots of starry-eyed couples, held many fascinating conversations with their wedding guests. I’ve met an array of talented wedding providers, stood in some breath-taking locations and wondered around stunning venues. I’ve learnt a wealth of knowledge from various training sessions and had fun nights networking. It has been amazing … I have lots of stories to tell.
My favourite story has to be, my sister’s wedding! Yeap I married my sister!! It was magical. A simple intimate ceremony held on the beach north of Byron. We hired a beach house for a few nights with a handful of friends and when the time came, we simply stepped down onto the sand. My husband gave my sister away, my brother-in-law surprised his wife with a fun reading (from the Wedding singer), my 4 year old son, their nephew, presented the rings, I did my bit, and friends acted as witnesses. All with the backdrop of Byron Lighthouse, the sun setting and whales breaching in the horizon. It was perfect!
Now being an ‘experienced’ Celebrant, I look forward to the next ten years and more. I look forward all those memories yet to be made, all those wonderful celebrations to be had, and meeting couples that may not have even met themselves yet. Everyday I’m excited and privileged to do what I do. I love my job!!
My Hubby
I married this guy in 1998! Wow..how time flies!
We had the fairytale wedding, held in St Paul Church, Pahpos in Cyprus shared with friends and family who joined us for a fun week of sun and celebrations. Lots of fun was had and wonderful memories were made.
Like all marriages, we’ve had our ups-and-downs. Embraced the happy times, worked through the tough. We’ve experienced life together, grown up together, been on adventures, supported each other, started a new life in Australia, and brought into the world two gorgeous, cheeky boys. I love this man soooo much, even though he drives me crazy at times, as I’m sure I do him. But we’re in it forever and I’m so very proud of ‘us’.
Would you like to get together? Chat through ideas for your ceremony? Then please contact me , I would LOVE to hear from you. Maybe we can go for coffee?